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Back to School!
After FIVE LONG MONTHS of quarantine, my kids went back to school last week! All three of them! It's been such a difficult decision.
Kimberly Wyse
Aug 25, 20202 min read

Digging In When I Feel Like Running Away
I like to conquer new things. As I entered my 9th week of fitness training, I noticed that I was starting to lost momentum. What's going on?
Kimberly Wyse
Aug 21, 20204 min read

Healing From PTSD
We work through our own pain so our kids don't suffer. I was able to test out my healing from PTSD through an unexpected challenge.
Kimberly Wyse
Aug 15, 20205 min read

When It Feels Selfish
I hear you, asking yourself if it's safe to go out now. Watching the numbers. Weighing the value of your mental health vs physical health.
Kimberly Wyse
Jul 31, 20203 min read

Working Through the Pain
A couple weeks ago, I encountered the dreaded low back pain that has derailed me from exercise plans in the past. I'd been trying so hard to
Kimberly Wyse
Jul 24, 20203 min read

What Has Changed? Why Is This Time Different?
You've set a big goal. AGAIN. But what has changed this time so you actually achieve it?
There is just ONE THING that needs to change.
Kimberly Wyse
Jul 17, 20206 min read

Anxious Thoughts
Am I the only one who gets anxious thinking about going to a personal trainer and sweating it out in a fitness center full of people?
Kimberly Wyse
Jul 3, 20206 min read

Thanking My Body: Week 2 Update
I decided to thank my body for protecting me from perceived danger by holding onto additional weight. I made a point to honor the empathetic
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 26, 20204 min read

The Results Are Up to God
When we have a calling from God, we can do amazing things. Things that are so far beyond our own abilities that we have to say, Only God...
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 25, 20203 min read

Starting Point
I have learned a lot over the years about health and fitness, especially nutrition, and yet I have a difficult time doing what I know to do.
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 19, 20204 min read

Goal: To Become Fit and Healthy in Every Way
My ears perked up with the words from my gym that sounded so much like my goal to become fit and healthy in every way.
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 12, 20204 min read

It's Time!
One of the things I talk about in the audiobook is my unknown bias against people with Down syndrome and their families.
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 3, 20203 min read

Don’t Crash and Burn
A few weeks ago, I told my therapist that I wanted to do something like bake cookies and deliver them to my friend’s front porches.
Kimberly Wyse
May 13, 20202 min read

Feeding Tube Graduate!
Redmond is free!
On December 19, 2019, we were able to remove the g-tube permanently.
Kimberly Wyse
Feb 12, 20202 min read

My Word for 2020: CONSISTENCY
My inconsistent January of 2019 meant that it was the last two days of the month before I determined what I will work on this year.
Kimberly Wyse
Feb 5, 20203 min read

5 Tips for Tubie Mamas
I have a guest post today over at the awesome Down syndrome blog,
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 11, 20191 min read

Coping When Our Plans are Frustrated and Torn Apart
Plans. I’m beginning to wonder why I bother to make them at all.
Kimberly Wyse
Feb 22, 20194 min read

Lord, Have Mercy: A Response to the new New York State Abortion Bill
I was warned every time of the high, higher, and highest likelihood of birth defects in my babies.
Kimberly Wyse
Jan 24, 20194 min read

Digging Myself Out of a Hole
I’ve been working hard on my health for about a month now.
Kimberly Wyse
Jun 1, 20183 min read

I’ve Been the One Breaking
My son has been the one in the hospital. But I've been the one breaking.
Kimberly Wyse
May 28, 201813 min read
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