Are you a knowledge seeker?
When I was a child, my parents taught me to pray for wisdom like Solomon. I learned when wisdom comes first, every other good thing comes after it. So, I pursued wisdom and knowledge like I was starving and never full. I learned about everything I could, good and bad.
When I wasn’t in an educational setting, I educated myself with books and teachings. Like my grandfather, Emil Schoch, I’ve never gotten enough of learning. Before I finish one certification or learning program, I’m researching the next one. I can’t seem to help myself.
One thing I learned, though, is there are things I don’t want to know about. There are things that damage the soul when you know too much about them.
I used to drill down into things, wanting all the details, thinking maybe I could help if I could just understand. Now, there are times I purposefully close my eyes and ears.
This decision has brought a measure of peace into my life.
I wish I’d known when to back away in college when my professor told the class, “The book I’m assigning you has some material in it you might find offensive. If you don’t want to read it, I have an alternative.”
I should've read the alternative. I didn’t need the junk in the original book in my head, but I was also curious. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself either, so I just read the original book.
My thirst for knowledge led me into some knowledge I really didn’t need or want to know. In reading Ecclesiastes, I believe Solomon came to the same conclusion. Some things aren’t worth knowing about.
Pray for wisdom. Seek it out with all your heart. But don’t forget to set a guard over your mind, and don’t be afraid to back out of something if you get into it and find it’s not going to serve you well. In all your seeking, remember some things are best unknown.